Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Stage Three: Glenelg To Campbelltown - Focus

Yesterday: What Terence told Sweezus.

Terence: Arthur was FIGHTING.

Sweezus: In the bushes? What with?

Terence: A NINJA!

Sweezus: So, with sticks.

Terence: Yes, pointy ones.

Sweezus: Far out. And that wasn't a Ninja.


 Later that evening:

Sweezus: Anyone seen Pablo?

Arthur: No.

Sweezus: You?

Ssü-K'ung Shu: No.

Sweezus: You know what that means?

Ssü-K'ung Shu: You wish me to continue to take Pablo's place.

Sweezus: Yeah, but with that comes responsibility. No more stopping for Ninja fighting.

Ssü-K'ung Shu: Who told you?

Sweezus: Terence. He saw you and came back to tell me. That's how Gerrans and Impey fell off.

Ssü-K'ung Shu: It's the work of the Dao. Accomplishing great things with small means.

Sweezus: I suppose so. But listen, Ssü-K'ung Shu. No more scuffling around in the bushes.

Ssü-K'ung Shu: I like how it's just ME.

Arthur: It is just you. I didn't want to.

Sweezus: Yeah, I thought so. Focus on your own Dao tomorrow, Ssü-Kung Shu.


Ssu-Kung Shu is despondent. How come Arthur never gets into trouble?

He wanders off to find Richie Porte.

Richie is sitting at a table scribbling down ideas.

Sikong Shu! says Richie. How d'you like this?

How can I live on the mountain
Now that men have come here
Previously only white cranes and clouds....

Rubbish, says Ssü-K'ung Shu. It's all back to front. The cranes and the clouds should come first and the men should come after.

I need someone like you, says Richie.

Ssü-K'ung Shu shrugs.

Corkscrew tomorrow, says Richie. Wish me luck. Me and Rohan Dennis

I'm better at bad luck, says Ssü-Kung Shu.



Stage Three: Glenelg to Campbelltown, via the corkscrew.

A hot humid day, with white clouds.

Ssü-K'ung Shu rides up the corkscrew, behind Arthur, who rides behind Sweezus, who rides behind Dries.

Each man (except Dries) focusing on his own Dao.


Several riders are close at the finish.

Looks like the winner will be...... Rohan Dennis of Team BMC.

He looks to be just pipping Simon Gerrans.

But is he? Did he? No? We need a photo.

Arr! Good luck turns to bad luck. And vice versa. It was in fact Gerrans who won.

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