Saturday, August 31, 2019

Bird Brains At High Altitudes

Hong Kong to Adelaide.

Eight hours fifty minutes.

Gaius eats water chestnut patties on jasmine rice.

His neighbour is tackling Chinese sausages.

Is this breakfast or lunch? asks the neighbour. I lose track.

It matters not, at high altitudes, says Gaius.

True, says the neighbour.

Munch, munch.

I see you are a bird man, says the neighbour.

A natural historian, says Gaius. With an interest in birds. The parrots you see here are not mine however. They have their own passports.

Even the toy one? asks the neighbour.

His name is Jinjing, says Gaius. I must say, I had some trouble with his passport, because he didn't match the photo.

I'm surprised he needed one, says the neighbour.

He needed one to get his own seat, says Terence.

Lucky bird, says the neighbour. And good luck to you. My name is Bing, by the way. Bing Barton, bird fancier.

Ah, says Gaius. Hence your interest.

Indeed, says Bing Barton. I've just been reading something in Science Daily, I wonder if you've read it?

Possibly not, says Gaius. I have been engrossed in my notes on the forty spotted pardalote, and the orange bellied parrot.

Two of the so-called difficult birds, says Bing Barton.

We're going to Tasmania to find them, says Terence.

To find them! says Jinjing.

It talks! says Bing Barton.

After a fashion, says Gaius. But do tell me what you were reading.

A fascinating article about bird brains, says Bing. It seems a big brain is not always helpful. A big gut can be far more useful in the higher latitudes, for example.

Can't we have both? asks P. krameri.

This is P. krameri says Gaius. An intelligent bird.

A bird brain, says Terence.

Thank you, Terence, says P. krameri.

Gut tissue and brain tissue are both energetically demanding, says Bing. A bird with a small brain and a large gut may have the advantage in extreme conditions.

What advantage? asks P. krameri.

They can eat anything, says Bing. Pine needles, even twigs if only twigs are on offer.

I must read that, says Gaius.

Do, says Bing. How were the water chestnut patties?

Highly digestible, says Gaius How were the sausages?

A bit spicy, says Bing.

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