Saturday, July 24, 2021

Sea Slug Sandwich

Bring the sea slug with you, says Gaius. We don't want the soup going cold. 

Terence, Bertille and Gaius climb the steps to the cliff path.

Bertille is carrying the sea slug.

I'll take it, says Terence, when they get to the top.

You squashed the last one, says Bertille.

Did he? says Gaius. Better give it to me. And then I suppose you'll go home for your lunch.

This is my home, says Bertille. 

This is our home, says Terence.

You must be the summer tenant, says Gaius.

Me and my parents, says Bertille. You must be staying with the old bishops, in the cellar.

We are, says Gaius. This will be nice for Terence.

Yay! says Terence. Can she come to lunch?

If her parents allow it, says Gaius.

They went out and left me a sandwich, says Bertille.

Bring it, says Gaius. I'm sure no one will mind.

Bertille runs into the the stone cottage and comes out with a sandwich.

The sea slug is on top of the sandwich, which is unwrapped.  

This tells us a lot about Bertille and also her parents.

She is the type of girl who will allow a sea slug to sit on her sandwich. Her parents are the type of parents who, while providing a sandwich, have not thought to wrap it.

Gaius, Terence and Bertille go to the back of the cottage and down the stone steps to the cellar.

It smells of potato soup, in the cellar.

I can only have red soup, says Terence.

The potato soup is the colour of normal potatoes. Not red.

Never mind, says Saint Arnoc, I'll turn your soup red in a jiffy.

He takes Terence's soup bowl to a dark corner of the cellar.

When he returns it is red.

Bertille, says Saint Ténénan, there is a sea slug on your sandwich.

Yes, says Bertille, a celtic sea slug. Terence is going to send it out to sea with a message.

In the potato box, says Terence. Hey! Where is it?

We left it on the bottom step, says Bertille.

I didn't see it, says Gaius.

Well! Someone will have to explain that!

Probably me.

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