I see you've removed the poultice, says Gaius.
Er, yeah, says Surfing-with-Whales.
It fell off in the water, says Terence.
And my sock? asks Gaius.
That too, says Surfing-with-Whales. I could go back and look for it.
It's getting too dark, says Gaius.
In the morning, says Surfing-with-Whales.
Do crabs eat socks? asks Terence.
I doubt it, says Gaius. But they might be attracted by cabbage inside the sock.
Then what? asks Terence.
Gaius is pleased that Terence is asking these questions.
Demonstrating an interest in crustacean behaviour.
The crab may crawl inside the sock, says Gaius. To get to the cabbage.
Would it eat the cabbage? asks Terence.
Crabs do eat plant material, says Gaius.
What if it couldn't get out of the sock? asks Terence.
A good question, says Gaius. And when Surfing-with-Whales finds my sock, we shall find out the answer.
He looks across at Surfing-with-Whales to see if he's listening.
But he isn't. He's looking at his phone, which is ringing.
Ring ring. He answers.
It's Sweezus.
Hey! says Sweezus. How's it going?
Great, says Surfing-with-Whales.
Still in Tassie? asks Sweezus.
Yeah, says Surfing-with-Whales. We're in Strahan.
So you won't be back next Saturday for the Tour Down Under, says Sweezus.
No way bro, says Surfing-With Whales. Pity.
No worries, says Sweezus. How's Terence?
I'll put him on, says Surfing-with-Whales.
He hands Terence the phone.
Hey, little buddy, says Sweezus, Keeping out of trouble?
Guess what? says Terence. It was Christmas and I didn't get a present not even a squirt gun, but I'm getting a clipboard and I have to draw a skull and crossbones on it.
What for? asks Sweezus.
To show the crabs what we're looking for, says Terence.
I thought it was some kind of skate, says Sweezus.
It is, says Terence.
And why do the crabs need to see it? asks Sweezus
So they think we want to kill them, says Terence.
What's this? asks Gaius. Were not killing anything.
What did Gaius say? asks Sweezus.
We're not killing anything, says Terence. But the crab might get stuck in his sock.
Why is... begins Sweezus, but thinks better of it.
Yeah well good luck little buddy. And stay out of the water.
I will , says Terence.
Sweezus is glad that he called.
Wouldn't want Surfing-with-Whales and Gaius turning up at the last minute expecting a place in Team Condor.
And it's good things are going okay in Tassie.
Along with the usual stuff.
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