Sunday, October 4, 2020

Reddy For Ere Competion

 Arthur supposes that Gaius will expect a reply.

There are several options

a: is it a dunnart?

b: congratulations on finding a dunnart.

c: congratulations on finding a dunnart (?!!)

(better not mention the snake).

He goes with c:

Gaius can interpret the ?!! however he likes.

Arthur looks out at the ocean, which is blue.

A few tourists have arrived, and are photographing themselves under the proboscis. 

A child scrapes at the orange-gold lichen.

Is it Alfonse, for whom Arthur is meant to be looking?

Alfonse? says Arthur.

That's me, says Alfonse. Where's Terence? Does his orange peel talk yet?

Yes, says Arthur. Does yours?

Alfonse drags his orange peel out of his pocket.

The tiny mouth holes are silent.

Terence had help, says Arthur. First from Louisa, then from the bird Gaius rescued.

What did the bird do? asks Alfonse.

It fashioned an ear, says Arthur.

Ears don't talk, says Alfonse.

So you might think, says Arthur. This one does though. 

It was my idea, says Alfonse. The ear. I said the holes might be ears. 

Maybe it's not too late, says Arthur. Terence is at the lighthouse with Louisa.

Will you help me? asks Alfonse.

Not my thing, says Arthur. Where's your sister?

Getting a photo, says Alfonse.

Claudine is posing under the proboscis. Her dad holds the camera.

Ask her, says Arthur. Or your dad. The best ears are small. 

It's too late, says Alfonse. The competition was whose ear talked first.

There are ways to get round that, says Arthur. Terence's ear didn't say anything for hours.

Alfonse thinks he sees what he means. 

Want me to send Terence a message? asks Arthur.

Yes, says Alfonse. Can I write it?

Okay, says Arthur. It'll go to Louisa.

Give, says Alfonse.

Arthur sets up for a message to Louisa, and hands Alfonse the phone.


Louisa, at the Cape du Couedic lighthouse, receives this message from Arthur, and relays it to Terence.

Happy times.


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