Friday, November 29, 2024

He Swallows It Whole

There is an IGA Express in Tullah.

Gaius has picked up a large bag of apples, and six packets of crackers.

He is looking for peanut butter when Surfing with-Whales comes up behind him.

You made good time, says Gaius. 

Yeah, says Surfing-with-Whales. Wanted to help with the shopping.

Help me find the peanut butter, says Gaius.

Sure, says Surfing-with-Whales. 

He goes looking for chocolate, and long-lasting cakes.

Terence and Little Mystic are waiting outside in the pullalong.

Lissen, says Little Mystic. 

What? asks Terence.

Lissen, repeats Little Mystic.

He points at his tummy.

Terence leans in to listen to Little Mystic's tummy.

It's grumbling. Grumble-burr.

Gaius and Surfing-with-Whales come out of the IGA Express, with apples, crackers, peanut butter,  mixed nuts, chocolate and cake.

Now we're square, says Surfing-with-Whales.

We are, says Gaius. I must thank Lauren. 

Mum wouldn't want us to starve, says Surfing-with-Whales.

Little Mistake is! says Terence.

Is what? asks Gaius.

Starving, says Terence.

Of course! says Gaius. We have been inconsiderate. We'll head straight for Lake Rosebery, eat our lunch there, and let Little Mystic forage for insects and worms.

He might not know how to, says Terence. 

I wozint, says Little Mystic.

Don't worry, I'll help you, says Terence.

Gaius and Surfing-with-Whales head down to the shores of Lake Rosebery. 

A beautiful lake with Mount Farrell reflected in it.

But will there be worms?

Gaius and Surfing-with-Whales find a good spot to sit and eat crackers and chocolate and cake.

Terence and Little Mystic make their way to the edge of the water.

A muddy spot. Perfect for worms.

Start fossicking, says Terence.

Little Mystic looks confused.

Like this, says Terence getting down on his knees and leaning forward, until his face hits the mud, 

Surely Little Mystic will get the idea.

Little Mystic leans forward and pokes in the mud with his little blunt beak.

Kek kek! He's found something!

It's round and hard, and he swallows it whole.

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