Friday, July 18, 2014

Stage Thirteen: St Etienne to Chamrousse - Beautiful Characters

Back in Adelaide, Kobo is talking to Pierre, Baby Pierre's mother.

It's so sad, says Kobo. Dying! He was a marvellous psychoanalyst.

Let me see that message, says Pierre. She grabs Kobo's phone.

Phrrrt! This isn't from Freud, says Pierre, contemptuously.

( you can see why Baby Pierre hates his mother)

Pardon? says Kobo. It's from his number.

It may well be, says Pierre. But this spelling smacks of Ageless. And look at these clicks.

Kobo is embarrassed not to have seen them herself.

Ha ha, hee hee, laughs Kobo, as though it isn't important.

And indeed, it isn't important.

Baby Pierre though, who has been listening, now thinks Ageless, his daddy, is dying.


But back to the race. Stage Thirteen, St Etienne to Chamrousse.

David, stung by Belle's criticism yesterday, has provided Vello with a wonderful snack pack.

It contains Giraudet's querelles and bleu de Bresse cheese.

Vello's tooth feels better. He shares the querelles and cheese with Gaius and Schopenhauer.

They ride quickly, fuelled by soft creamy richness. At least for the first half.

Freud has borrowed a motor bike and is following Ageless, his best hope for the Tour.

But Ageless is riding so fast, buoyed by the love of Kobo, that Freud can't catch him. He rides up behind Louttit and Louis-Claude.

Those idiots! They are not even trying. They are talking about women again. Mary Ann. Rose.

Forget women! shouts Freud, honking his horn.

Give us something to eat then, says Louis-Claude.

Freud hasn't brought anything. He accelerates and draws level with Sweezus.

Got any spare gels or snack bars? asks Freud.

No way José, says Sweezus, keeping his head down.

Freud accelerates again.

Richie Porte draws level with Sweezus.

Hi man, says Sweezus. Lookin' to beat Nibali today?

Urr, says Richie . Got a bit of a tummy. Or heatstroke.

Shit luck man, says Sweezus.

They labour on, up the last mountain to Chamrousse.

Freud has caught up with Ageless, who is not far behind Nibali.

But Ageless is knackered. He is slowing. The power of love will take you only so far.

Nibali powers on to the finish. Awesome Nibali! Nothing can stop him.

Romain Bardet zooms in to come second.

Eight minutes later, in rides Richie, closely followed by Sweezus and Arthur.

They go off to do pee samples, but arrange to meet again later.


Richie: Moonlight before my bed. Perhaps frost on the ground. Lift my head and see the moon. Lower my head and pine for home.

Sweezus: That's epic man. Coolio! Did you write it?

Arthur: No he didn't. Li Bai.

Richie: Yeah, but in Chinese though.

They close their eyes and imagine the beautiful characters.

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