Saturday, July 26, 2014

Stage Twenty: Bergerac to Périgueux - Humanity

Today is the day of the time trials. The riders wear different hats.

Surprising what difference a hat makes.

Tony Martin looks like a round baby.

Don't tell him that.

Sweezus has finished his time trial. He is in Périgueux.

He is looking at the shops. Specifically, he is browsing in a knife shop.

And surprise! So is Gabriel Gaté!

Sweezus doesn't know whether to say hello to Gabriel Gaté.

You know how it is. When you see someone you know from the telly, you know them but they don't know you.

Sweezus! says Gabriel Gaté, in his thick French accent.

It sounds like 'Sweyzoo'.

There follows a friendly conversation.

I zee you are lookin' at zee knivez, says Gabriel Gaté. Zeez knivez, zey are fammooz. Zey are called couteaux nontrons. Zey are veree strong and zey are 'and-made wiz boxwood in ze ol' fashioned way.

Av you got one? asks Sweezus. Damn. How embarrassing. He has mimicked the accent.

No, says Gabriel Gaté. An' I deed not know you were Franch! Au revoir, Sweyzoo. I must now go to Parees to meet wiz a world fammooz chef.

Sweezus could kick himself.

As a sort of a penance, he buys a couteau nontron, wiz a handle of boxwood, for Arthur.


Vello rides in to Périgueux, having managed a creditable time.

Well done, papa! cries Belle et Bonne.

Yes, well done, says David.

Thank you, says Vello. I must say I'm quite pleased with myself. I was thinking of retiring, but now.....

No don't think of retiring, says David. I've just made the opposite decision.

What is it? asks Vello.

I'm returning to top level racing, says David. I don't like being a manager. Too much pressure. Organising the food bags and everything. Every day. It's relentless.

Belle et Bonne looks at Vello. Don't say what you're thinking, papa.

Vello is about to say it anyway, when .....

In comes Alejandro Valverde, looking dejected.

Followed by Arthur, who has almost surpassed him.

Arthur pulls up. Sweezus appears out of an alleyway.

Epic ride, man! says Sweezus. This is for you!

He hands Arthur a box, wrapped in Périgueux paper, with a Périgueux ribbon.

Vello, Belle et Bonne, David, and Alejandro Valverde look at the box curiously.

Arthur decides he will open it later.


Gaius rolls in to Périgueux, at a faster pace than expected.

Has he stopped thinking of spiders? Not exactly.

David has told him that Périgueux is a hotbed of spiders, to give him a much needed incentive.

How clever of David. What a loss it will be to Team Management should David retire.


Here comes Ageless pedaling doggedly to the finish.

How did Baby Pierre do? asks Ageless, looking up at the time board.

We haven't seen him, says Belle et Bonne.

I saw him, says Arthur.

Me too, says Alejandro Valverde.

But he hasn't finished? says Ageless. What's the little shit up to?

So Ageless does care after all.

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