Saturday, May 19, 2018

Illuminating Gastro

Wraaack-ack-ack, says Simon.

The frog listens.


Good try, whispers Simon.

The frog bonds with Simon.

That was illuminating, says Gaius. Wasn't it boys?

Yeah, says Sweezus.

Right, let's go, says Simon.

Just gotta make a phone call, says Sweezus.

Do it on the way, says Gaius.

Okay, says Sweezus. He and Arthur pick up the equipment they've borrowed from the store room of Pedro Vicente Maldonado. Ice picks and ropes. Boots they haven't tried on yet.

Gaius locks the door.

They walk round the corner to the Metropolitan.

Hi everyone! says Lydia. Isn't it cool about Chimborazo! We can all go together.

Good pants, says Buzz.

Great pants, says Tilly. You guys won't get lost in the snow.

I shall not be climbing as far as the snowline, says Gaius. But I thought they would help keep the wind out.

Team, says Simon, I want you to see something. It was one of the tadpoles that received too much pool salt. Don't all crowd in at once.

He opens the reheatable plastic container. The giant baby tree frog leaps onto his sleeve.

You are KIDDING! says Lydia.

Wow! says Tilly.

Buzz takes a photo.

It's so big, says Lydia. Is it a male or a female?

No pouch, says Simon. A male.

They're usually smaller, aren't they, says Tilly. This one's enormous!

She bends down to examine the plump green baby tree frog on Simon's sleeve.

Back smooth, underside cream and grainy-looking, small head, large brown eyes and a wide mouth.

Cute as, says Tilly. Has it got a name?

Gastrotheca riobambae, says Gaius.

I know THAT, says Tilly. I mean a nickname.

Gastro, says Arthur.

Ah, a fine contribution! says Gaius. Arthur always comes up with something original.

Sweezus looks sideways at Arthur.

Gastro? Arthur shrugs.

Let's hope it isn't prophetic.

Everyone ready? The bus leaves from the station in fifteen minutes, says Simon.

He drops Gastro back in the box.

Pool salt, says Buzz. Check.

Tadpoles, says Tilly. Check.

Back packs and spades, says Lydia. Check.

Let me see those tadpoles, says Gaius.

He peers into the sealed plastic bag of water bulging with tadpoles.

Are you quite sure it's big enough?

Crikey! It isn't! says Tilly. 

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