Monday, September 30, 2024

Ask The Echinoid

Maybe it was light brown, says Baby Pierre.

Lucky you've got a rubber, says the tinker.

I haven't written what kind of brown yet, says Baby Pierre. I only wrote brown.

It's good to decide what you're going to write before you write it, says Rosa.

I'm deciding right now, says Baby Pierre.

He decides.

Then starts to write (very small): 

It was light brown and Ouvert said it might be a petrified poo, but I said petrified poos aren't light brown and he believed me, then I asked him if he had a geology hammer and he said he did have one somewhere, but what did I want to use it for and I said to crack the rock open.

Wow! says Rosa. This is getting exciting. 

Do you think so? asks the tinker.

Yes, if they find something cool inside the sandstone, says Rosa.

Like what? asks the tinker.

It's up to Baby Pierre, says Rosa. He's writing the story.

What are they going to find in it? asks the tinker.

I'm still thinking, says Baby Pierre. It might be a fossil.

Yes! says Rosa. What about an echinoid! We learned about them in school.

Baby Pierre likes the word echinoid, but isn't sure he can spell it. What if he gets it wrong?

But no. He's a free thinker.

He writes (very small):

Ouvert got out his geology hammer and smashed the rock open to reveal a small eckynoid.

That's not how you spell it, says Rosa. It's e-c-h-i. Use the rubber.

No, says Baby Pierre. I've got this. 

He writes some more words (very small): 

I'd never heard of an echynoid, so I asked Ouvert to spell it, and he spelled it, but his spelling is bad. I asked him if he was sure and he said if you don't believe me ask the echynoid, and I thought he was joking but I asked it anyway and it said ECHI! I was really surprised.

Isnt it a fossil? asks the tinker. 

Yes, says Rosa. A sea urchin fossil.

How could a fossil say ECHI? asks the tinker.

This is my story, says Baby Pierre. If I say it said ECHI, it said ECHI.

What did it sound like? asks the tinker.

It's a trick question.

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