Monday, September 23, 2024

Up Yours Kroomy

Ben O'Connor leaves the boarding queue and goes up to the desk.

What's happening? asks Ben O'Connor.

Are you travelling with a pebble in a box? asks the desk attendant.

My lucky pebble, says Ben O'Connor.

There's been an alert put out on it, says the desk attendant.

I thought we'd been cleared, says Ben O'Connor.

You have, says the desk attendant. Leave the box here and you'll be free to board.

Ben O'Connor opens the box containing Baby Pierre and his tiny bicycle.

Looks like I have to leave you behind, says Ben O'Connor. You okay with that?

I'm my own pebble, says Baby Pierre. 

Good on you, says Ben O'Connor. You were a great lucky pebble. Imagine if I'd had you in the Vuelta. I might've beat Roglic.

No you wouldn't says Baby Pierre.

Hurry up, sir, says the desk attendant to Ben O'Connor.

Ben O'Connor turns and runs down the ramp to board his flight to Perth, wondering why Baby Pierre had said No you wouldn't.

Was it because .....

But we are now out of range of the thoughts of Ben O'Connor.

Now what? asks Baby Pierre. Why am I stuck here? I haven't done anything.

Relax, sir, says the desk attendant. Someone will come for you shortly.

Baby Pierre relaxes. He looks at his bike. He turns it upside down and spins the green o-wheels.


Where's the pebble I asked you to detain? asks the Trafficked Animals officer.

Right here, says the desk attendant. 

Great, says the Trafficked Animals officer. The frog I'm sending to Adelaide requested him as a companion.

Baby Pierre is listening. So the Kroombit tinker is responsible for this stuff-up. He was supposed to be going to Perth. He was going to cycle all the way back to Adelaide across the Nullarbor. He could have done it! But it's not going to happen.

Do you want me to get rid of the box? asks the desk attendant.

Yes, thanks, says the Trafficked Animals officer. The pebble's going in this container, with the frog.

And his bike? asks the desk attendant.

What bike? Hey, that's a cute miniature! Must've been Ben O'Connor's.

It's MINE! says Baby Pierre.

Ai! says the Trafficked Animals officer.

Yes, he talks, says the desk attendant. And he claims it's his bike. You'd better take it.

At last a resolution of sorts.

Baby Pierre and his bicycle are lifted out of the box and placed in the container where the Kroombit tinker is waiting.

Hello, lucky pebble, says the Kroombit tinker.

Up yours, Kroomy! snaps Baby Pierre.

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