Friday, September 27, 2024

Pebble Across The Nullarbor

Baby Pierre starts to write (very small):

Pebble Across The Nullarbor.

Why am I doing this I think to myself as I pedal along the hard road and I'm only half way when who should I see but another pebble?

He stops writing.

Why did you stop writing? asks the Kroombit tinker.

I'm stuck, says Baby Pierre. I'm at the part where I meet another pebble.

That was quick, says the tinker.

It was your idea to start in the middle, says Baby Pierre.

Oh yes, says the tinker. Is the other pebble going the same way as you?

I haven't decided. What do you think? asks Baby Pierre.

The same way, says the tinker. Then you can talk as you go. Otherwise you'd have to stop or go backwards.

Good thinking, says Baby Pierre.

He writes:

The other pebble is going the same way and I catch up quickly because I'm a fast rider and he isn't.

So it's a boy pebble, says the tinker.

Yes, says Baby Pierre. It's my cousin.

What a coincidence, says the tinker. Why choose your cousin?

Why not? asks Baby Pierre. At least I know him.

What's his name? asks the tinker.

Ouvert, says Baby Pierre.

And why is he riding a bicycle across the Nullarbor? asks the tinker.

I'm about to ask him, says Baby Pierre.

He writes a bit more:

Ouvert! I cried, what are you doing out here in the Nullarbor? I could ask the same of you, replies my cousin, let's ride together and tell each other our stories.

Oh that's good, says the tinker. Now you'll be telling two stories. 

Two stories! Baby Pierre is surprised it's so easy.

He continues writing:

I tell my cousin how I came to be here. That I was in the Tour de France and the Vuelta, and I won all the time trials.

I won some of them, says the tinker.

This is my story, says Baby Pierre.

Aren't I in it? says the tinker.

No, says Baby Pierre. 

So how did you end up in Perth? asks the tinker.

Ben O'Connor invited me, says Baby Pierre.

That's a good story, says the tinker. And what about your cousin?

Let me think, says Baby Pierre. 

Why would dumb old Ouvert be riding a bike across the Nullarbor?

Knowing him, he was probably lost.

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