Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Bird prints

Pliny was looking at a blog he follows called Northumberland360.

He was entranced by some photos of bird footprints that were put up today.

He looked at the bird footprints for a very long time.

He was thinking about bird footprints and how they might be interpreted in various ways.

For example one might try to imagine what sort of bird had made them, a curlew or an oyster catcher, and where it had been going or where it had been.

Or whether the prints had been made by more than one curlew or oyster catcher, whose paths had crossed.

OR, seeing that there wasn't really a lot to go on, three fifths of a starfish or a lemon blossom, and a stick.......

Perhaps, he thought, I have been looking at these footprints for too long.

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