Thursday, November 13, 2008

Moon Gadget 2

Pliny the Elder is not impressed with my Moon Gadget. He wants to say something.

Pliny the Elder: In my Natural Histories can be found all that is known and needs to be known about the moon. I refer to the various phases, the tides, the relative size of oysters and other seafood at the time of the full moon, the cavortings of hares and the madness of men and women, not to mention the correct times for cutting the hair and nails, and for the planting of vetches. This Moon Gadget will tell you nothing of these. Furthermore any fool who knows anything about mathematics will tell you that the moon cannot be 100% of full one day and 99% of full the next.

Me: Ooh you ARE cross! But I admit I'm puzzled about that. If there are only 29.53 days approximately between full moons why is there only a 1% difference between yesterday and today? However I've only had my Moon Gadget for 5 days. I'm expecting all to become clear over the course of the month.

Pliny The Elder: Expect away.

Me: What are vetches?

Pliny the Elder: Google it.

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