Saturday, September 12, 2009


Macaroons! spluttered Pliny. What are macaroons? I can scarcely imagine these waves.

They're little pyramid-shaped coconut cakes, I said, with a cherry on top. The waves looked like little green pyramids bobbing up and down on the lake.

I daresay, said Pliny, that they are not usually green.

No, they are usually white or, if cooked a little longer, golden brown. At least I think so. Let's look them up on Wikipedia.

We typed in macaroons. The Wiki picture of macaroons was not what I was hoping to see. The macaroons were hardly pyramidical. They were slightly burnt and didn't even have a cherry on top.

Hmmm, said Pliny. They do not look like waves. But look here! " Not to be confused with the French macarons." Perhaps you meant macarons.

We clicked on macarons. The macarons were, in the photograph, the exact shade of green that the waves had been, but they were not the right shape, being two flat biscuits stuck together with cream.

Bad luck, said Pliny. Your image is untenable. Now what about the white frothing cherry and the spitting frogs? And the boab tree?

Pliny, you don't get banana points for criticising my blog.

I know, he said crossly.

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