Monday, October 19, 2009


The VeloDrone: What's the feedback from the Freud story ? Did they like it?

Le Bon David: They loved it! We've got dozens of requests for Freud to analyse their dreams. I can't understand it. All that ridiculous symbolism. All those obvious interpretations.

The VeloDrone: I know! I laughed fit to pee myself when I read what he said to Dali. You are going on a journey indeed. No wonder Dali stormed out.

Le Bon David: Yes, very funny, but look at this.

The VeloDrone: What is it?

Le Bon David: It's an envelope, and it's addressed to us, see: To the Decomposing Editors of Velosophy. I suppose that means us.

The VeloDrone: Decomposing? What can it mean? Who is it from? Open it!

Le Bon David: Wait! Look at the back. It must be from Dali. See, he's drawn a little caricature of his face, the crazy moustache, the goggling eyes.

The VeloDrone: And he's written his name there as well. Dali, eh? I thought he'd gone on a journey.

Le Bon David: Well, he must have returned.

The VeloDrone: Open it.

Le Bon David: (opening it) Arghh! Eeeuw! Ants! Millions of ants coming out. Quick. Squash 'em!

The VeloDrone: Whack!Whack! Take that, you ants! Whack! Whack! Take that, and that! Whack! Whack!

Le Bon David: Do you get the feeling that the divine Dali is angry?

The VeloDrone: Yes. Oh cripes.

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