Friday, November 1, 2013

In Pursuit Of Synthesis

In Mentougu Eco Valley, where Hui Zhong and Xui Li are high up ecologists, there is plenty to see.

It's an Eco Silicon Valley, says Xui Li. See these research buildings in this beautiful setting? Once it was all  mining. They mined coal, limestone and granite, as long ago as the Ming dynasty.

Yes, but what about breakfast? says Richie.

We'll go to one of the villages, says Xui Li, and buy rose cakes.

Seems like jujubes are off.

Arthur and Sikong Shu are discussing Middle Tang poetry.

It's all about longing, says Sikong Shu. And sadness.

Aren't they hungry too?

Richie wheels his bicycle over a stone.

Oops. better be careful. He doesn't want a flat tyre.

Rose cakes. That sounds promising.

His mind turns to philosophy.

If Sikong Shu's poem is philosophy, then what on earth is philosophy?

Down the mountain, up the mountain, fighting with sticks....only two bicycles.

There must be more to it than that.

Bicycle philosophy. He ought to know something about it. Geez. Hasn't he just lost his memory and then got it back?

And now here he is in Eco Silicon Valley about to eat rose cakes.

He just needs to ......what's the word....synthesise

Here I am..... begins Richie.

Here we are, says Xui Li.

Has anyone got a pencil? asks Richie..


Rosamunda, Margaret and Professor Mee-man Chang have taken Subway line 4 to Beigongmen Station.

They exit the station and find the north gate of the Summer Palace.

It is 30 yuan to go in, or 60 yuan including entry to various gardens and temples.

We will pay 30, says Professor Mee-man Chang. There's plenty to see without paying extra.

Absolutely, says Margaret. That's my philosophy too.

It is not Rosamunda's.

Now then, says Professor Mee-man Chang, adjusting her backpack. I hope you are both fond of walking. There is plenty to see. The Summer Palace grounds are extensive. Over there is Longevity Hill, with its many grand buildings, Cloud-Dispelling Hall, The Temple of Buddhist Virtue, The Hall of Moral Glory, the Marble Boat....

How thrilling, says Margaret. I am very fond of walking. Let's go.

Rosamunda trails behind the two older women.

Longevity Hill, Cloud-Dispelling Hall. It would be more fun with Arthur.

She stops, sits down on a bench under a tree and calls Sikong Shu.

Sikong Shu doesn't answer.

Ring ring.

Her phone rings. It's Gaius.

Hello, says Gaius, I can't get through to Arthur.

Me either, says Rosamunda. And I can't get Sikong Shu. Have you got your fingers unstuck yet?

No, says Gaius. It's most annoying. It's like wearing mittens.

Why don't you come to the Summer Palace, says Rosamunda. There's this Marble Boat.....somewhere.

Really? says Gaius. How does it float?

Are you coming then? says Rosamunda.

Even Gaius is better than two penny-pinching ladies in stout walking shoes.

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