Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Rabbit, Now You Know

One of the flight attendants leans over.

I think a space qualifies as punctuation, she says.

I agree, says the other flight attendant. In the sense that it's a word divider. Tea or coffee sir?

Coffee, says, Arthur. And do you have a pencil?

Here's my pencil, says the first flight attendant. But I'll need it back.

Arthur inserts a few commas into Richie Porte's notes.'s like nothing has happened(,) but it has(,) the continuity is broken(,) and we ride back to Beijing(,)....

See, says Arthur. Couldn't do that without a pencil. Punctuation requires marks on the page.

I agree, says Gaius. A punctuation mark is a symbol. A space is not.

Gaius, says Margaret. A space is a symbol for an interpunct. Don't tell me you've forgotten.

I'm an interpunct! says Lavender. What's an interpunct?

A cymbal, says Ouvert. Who doesn't know that? They make a horrid noise.


Meanwhile back in Beijing.

Imagine you're a rabbit. Not a real one. One of many rabbit stickers stuck onto a large red frame. You are in a gallery hanging on a wall. It's called the 798 Space Gallery. It's in the 798 Art District in a cool part of Beijing. Transformed military factories, rusted chimneys. Cafes, galleries and shops. Lonely Planet guide.

But you are a rabbit sticker, one of many, and you are unaware of this.

You don't even know what it is that you are framing.

Listen then rabbit, and learn.

First visitor (an elderly Chinese art critic): I like it. It reworks an old myth into a new and modern reality with a clever twist

Second visitor (his friend, also an art critic) : The depth of vision is impressive. And the point of view.

Third visitor ( a tourist from America) : Oh my god ! She's wearing peejays! And those rabbit stickers. Cute!

Fourth visitor (her friend, another American): I want one. But it'll be way too pricey.

Fifth visitor ( a conservative art lover) : Of course, it references Chang'e, I totally get that. And the red frame, that's a given. But I feel the multiple rabbits are a bridge too far......

Sixth visitor ( his wife, slightly less conservative ): They're all into stickers these days.....

Fifth visitor: One sticker would suffice.

Seventh visitor ( a mother) : Look at this one!

Eighth visitor ( Mei, her little daughter) : Ma! Is it a fairy?

Seventh visitor: No Mei, it's the moon goddess Chang'e. Isn't she pretty!

Ninth visitor ( Long Long, her little nephew) : Aunty! Can I have a rabbit sticker?

Seventh visitor: No, Long Long, get your sticky hands away. We'll go to the gallery shop and buy a post card.

Eighth visitor: I want one too!


So Rabbit, now you know.

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