Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Kierkegaard's Original Trousers

The experiment has started.

Alexander-Retro, Alexander-Groovy and Alexander-Curly have been placed side by side.

Alexander-Retro looks over the rim of his container, at the other two.

What are you guys up to? asks Alexander-Retro.

Nothing, says Alexander-Groovy. There's nothing to do.

Me too, nothing, says Alexander-Curly.

We need more space, says Alexander-Retro. These olive containers are made for olives.

Yes, they're all right for olives, says Alexander-Curly.

Too late now, says Alexander-Groovy.

Didn't Gaius say there'd be someone here to answer our questions? asks Alexander-Curly.

No, to observe us. But we should be allowed to ask questions, says Alexander-Retro.

There's no one here, says Alexander-Groovy.

Let's ask the control crab, says Alexander-Curly.

Are we allowed to? asks Alexander-Groovy.

She's just over there, says Alexander-Curly. HEY! RED HOOK!

What is it? asks Alexander-Red-Hook. I'm busy.

Doing what? asks Alexander Retro.

Having a quiet conversation, says Alexander-Red-Hook. About using time wisely.

Who with? asks Alexander-Retro.

My best friend, who else? says Alexander-Red-Hook.

Where's Gaius? asks Alexander-Retro.

Finding an iron, says Alexander-Red-Hook.

He's finding an iron, says Alexander-Retro to Alexander-Curly and Alexander-Groovy.

An iron, what for? asks Alexander-Curly.

What for? asks Alexander-Retro.

Trust you boys not to know what an iron is for, says Alexander-Red-Hook.

O, Alex, don't tease them, says her best friend Alexander Yellowsun.

All right, you tell them, says Alexander-Red-Hook. Talk about wasting time!

Listen up, says Alexander Yellowsun. If you guys had been paying attention you'd know this. Kierkegaard came back inside with his shorts and his original trousers, which had been on the line, drying. Gaius said now that Kierkegaard's original trousers were dry, he should put them on, and return Arthur's shorts to the bedroom. Kierkegaard said the trousers needed ironing and asked if Gaius had an iron. Gaius said he did have one somewhere. He's looking for it now.

So where's Kierkegaard? asks Alexander-Retro. He should have stayed here to observe us.

He's just putting the shorts on, says Alexander-Yellowsun. I think deep down he likes the shorts better.

The others now have something intriguing to think about.

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