Saturday, February 29, 2020

Remember Me But O!

Alexander-Yellowsun swallows another mouthful of toxic water and continues to  think about science.

How satisfying it is to be part of an important experiment.

And be the one to die first.

Her head swims. Woo.

It occurs to her that her last thoughts might be of interest to science.

Alex! Come closer.

Alexander-Red-Hook can only come closer if she leaves the control bowl.

Gaius has gone to check on the male crabs.

Kierkegaard is opening the fridge, looking for pickles.

Terence is elsewhere.

Alexander-Red-Hook climbs out of the control bowl and peers into the toxic solution in which her friend lies.

You came! says Alexander-Yellowsun.

I came, says Alexander-Red-Hook. Is the end near?

I think so, says Alexander-Yellowsun. I'm having my last thoughts. Listen.

Alexander-Red-Hook weeps.

Don't weep, says Alexander-Yellowsun. You'll alter the salt concentration.

Will that matter? asks Alexander-Red-Hook.

Of course it will, says Alexander-Yellowsun. Although not to me personally. Draw closer.

Yes, dear, says Alexander-Red-Hook.

She draws closer. Her friend speaks:

my last thoughts~~~~~a hole in the sands of life so comfy poor alexander times roman cracked in two useless i go in name of science remember me remember me, but o! ~~~~~~

Isn't that from Dido and Aeneas? asks Alexander-Red-Hook.

Isn't what? says Alexander-Yellowsun faintly.

O! says her best friend. Remember me but O! She kills herself as he sails away.

Who does? asks Alexander Yellowsun even more faintly.

Never mind, says Alexander-Red-Hook. It's lovely.


Alexander Yellowsun coughs up a small piece of microplastic and dies shortly thereafter.

O! cries Alexander-Red-Hook.

Kierkegaard, having found a pickle jar containing only one pickle, comes over to see what has happened.

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