Sunday, August 13, 2023

Carrot Transformation

Yay! We've got our wheel back! says Terence. 

Better make sure, says Cwaca. If it's a different wheel, you'll be off-balance.

Check it, says Terence.

It's got something stuck to it, says Cwaca.

That's carrot, says Terence.

Not like any carrot I've seen, says Cwaca.

It's grated, says Terence. Don't you know anything?

Waca laughs inwardly. Doesn't Cwaca know anything?

People grate carrot, says Terence. Then they eat it.

That's why I've never seen it, says Cwaca. Think it through.

Terence can't think it through. 

But we can.

Cwaca began life as a wooden duck in a toyshop. Where would he have seen people grating carrot? And then eating it. He wouldn't.

He picks the grated carrot from the wheel with his beak.

Hm. Euw.

If it wasn't coated with tangy coleslaw mayonnaise it might not be too awful.

As it is, for a duck, it's quite bad.

He spits it out. It sticks to his belly.

Now you've got an orange feather, says Terence. You look like a real parrot.

With just one orange feather? says Cwaca.

We could get more, says Terence.

He tugs at Gaius' trousers.

What is it? asks Gaius, looking down.

Can I have your leftover grated carrot? asks Terence.

I've finished my coleslaw, says Gaius. But there may be some scraps.

He hands Terence the plastic coleslaw container, and opens his chocolate mousse, for dessert.

Chocolate mousse. What an indulgence.

Yes, it is delicious. And one deserves compensation for having to sit so long in a plane.

Very nice, says Pierre-Louis, beside him. I do like chocolate mousse. What did Terence want?

Leftover grated carrot, says Gaius. 

He can have mine, says Pierre-Louis. I hardly touched my coleslaw.

He hands his hardly touched coleslaw down to Terence, under Gaius's legs.

This is great! There's plenty of grated carrot in there. 

It won't be long before Cwaca looks like a real parrot.

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