Friday, August 11, 2023

Three Halves Of Anything

They wouldn't give me the wheel, says Cwaca.

Your own wheel! says Monique.

How come? asks Terence.

It might only be half mine, says Cwaca.

And half mine, says Terence.

And half the other duck's, says Cwaca. Thingo. What did you call him?

Waca, says Monique.

Half Waca's! says Terence. I don't believe it! 

No. There can't be three halves of anything, says Monique. 

Unless we get the other three wheels, says Terence.

Where are they? asks Cwaca. 

Dad's got them, says Monique. And he's also got Waca.

Let's go and get them, says Terence.

He jumps down. Ouch! Wait, no! Not Ouch! Yay! His foot must be better.

He heads for the aisle seat where Monique's dad is sitting.

Woop! Gaius is standing there, talking to the girlfriend.

Are you quite sure? asks Gaius. 

Course I am, says the girlfriend. No bones broken. Though I might get a bruise on my bottom.

Should we wait and see? asks Gaius.

(Lucky headphones guy isn't listening!) 

Ha ha, no way you'll ever see it, laughs the girlfriend.

Gaius is embarrassed. He hadn't meant it that way.

A smell of chicken curry wafts through the cabin.

Dinner is coming!

Gaius turns to go back to his seat.

Terence! What are you doing here?

Trying to find Waca, says Terence. But you're blocking the passage.

What do you mean, trying to find Waca, says Gaius. Is Waca a Pokemon?

No way, says Terence. If he was, this would be easy.

Waca? says Monique's dad, overhearing. Does Monique want her duck?

Yes, says Terence. And the other three wheels that you sat on. They're half mine, half my parrot's and half Waca's.

One third each, says Gaius. You can't have three halves of anything.

I haven't got ANY halves! says Terence. 

What if I give you two? says Monique's dad. And keep one.

(What is he thinking? That won't solve the problem).

No no, says Gaius. Give him all three. I'm working on regaining possession of the the fourth one, which was confiscated for no good reason, a prosecution being no longer foreseeable.

That is good news, says Monique's dad.

He hands over three wheels and the hapless Waca.

Waca's dreams of being reattached to his board with all four wheels underneath him (and no Cwaca) are shattered.

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