Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Oh Damn

The VeloDrone looked across at Le Bon David and grimaced. We're in trouble, he mouthed silently.

Rubble? Le Bon David mouthed back at him, puzzled.

Belle et Bonne gave a sudden whoop. He's answered ! Einstein's answered!

That was fast, said Le Bon David, admiringly.

It was, said The VeloDrone. Einstein must spend all his time sitting in front of his computer.

Don't be silly Papa, said Belle et Bonne. He'll have an iphone.

Hee hee, laughed The VeloDrone. Einstein has an iphone !

Belle et Bonne shook her head.

Don't you want to know what he said?

No I don't, said The VeloDrone.

Yes we do, said Le Bon David. Please read it to us, Belle.

Belle et Bonne read:
Thank you, my dear young person, for your enquiries. I assume that you ARE a young person. Only a young person would be so direct in the circumstances.
(See, Papa? said Belle et Bonne. Read on, said her papa.)
I must admit that I had not seen the humour in my submission until you pointed it out. However I do see it now. I am encouraged by your revelation that the editors themselves were cackling over it. Therefore I wish to inform you that I would like the article to be published in its entirety, with no corrections other than the possible omission of the words Oh damn! I am of the opinion that this expression may be seen to be too rude. I am happy to defer to your judgement in the matter.
Yours, Albert EEEEEEEE.
PS I'll wager YOU understood my formula !

The VeloDrone and Le Bon David looked at one another, and then at Belle et Bonne.

Well, done, my angel, said the VeloDrone. You have well and truly got us out of a spot.

Indeed you have, you clever girl, said Le Bon David. And did you understand his formula?

Of course I did, said Belle et Bonne.

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