Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I don't know what to write about today. I'm jealous of Pliny the Elder. He came up with the Blue Devil Fish, the Chocolate Biscuits and the Volcanoes just like that without even thinking.......

Pliny saw what I was writing.

Come, come, he said. Anyone can come up with three things.

Yes, but you had a theme, I said.

I did? he said. What was it?

Food, I replied. Wasn't it?

Pliny looked doubtful. The Blue Devil fish is inedible, he remarked. I remember making a point of saying so.

Yes, you did, but to say something is inedible introduces the idea of food. One thinks, on reading it, Oh I was wondering whether people eat them or not. Now I know.

Alright, said Pliny. I concede that point. But what about volcanoes? They are not food.

Volcano cakes are, I said. You can't deny it.

I can't, agreed Pliny. But, if you remember, my intention had been to write about real volcanoes, not cakes. So my original list of topics was lacking a theme.

You are very encouraging Pliny, I said. I am going to think of three things.

Good, said Pliny.

There was a pause, then he said. Have you thought of them yet?

Yes, I said. Sand. That's the first one. Embroidery, that's the second... and.....Tuesday.

You see, said Pliny. It's easy. And, he added, I'm looking forward to Tuesday.

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