Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Dark Thoughts On The Way To Antalya

Bunny and Arthur are on a flight to Antalya.

I feel guilty about Ageless, says Bunny. It's my fault he stayed in Dubai.

If I know one thing about Ageless, says Arthur, it's that he's like you.

What? squeals Bunny. How am I like that self-centred lobster?

He gets what he wants, says Arthur. He'll turn up in Kas.

Then I feel guilty about the Twitcher, says Bunny.

But you don't feel guilty about me, says Arthur.

Why should I? says Bunny. I'm sharing it aren't I?

Arthur looks dark as he thinks of his money. His knees start to itch.

How long till we get there? says Arthur.

Not long now, says Bunny. Then it's two to three hours on the bus. I've already booked us on the Varan.

The Varan? says Arthur. That's the name of the bus?

Yep, says Bunny. Why?

Oh nothing, says Arthur. Last year Gaius and I went looking for a giant claw in Alice Springs. He said it belonged to a Varan.

Cool! Did you find it? asks Bunny.

No, says Arthur. Gaius found two medium sized claws. He was happy enough.

What about you? asks Bunny. Were you happy? You never seem all that happy. Stop scratching your knees.

I'm not scratching, says Arthur, although he knows that he is.

He feels in his pocket for a bandage, feels the end of a stiff one, and pulls it. Out falls the shoe horn.

He picks it up. Examines the shoe horn moodily.

Cheer up. Have some sunflower seeds, says Bunny, shoving the tin in front of his face.

Thanks Bunny, says Arthur, scooping out a large helping with the shoe horn.

Arthur! cries Bunny. Has that been inside Katherine's shoe?

It might have been. Arthur doesn't remember.

He pours the seeds into his mouth.

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