Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How Women Spoil Perfectly Good Arrangements

Meanwhile, back at Gaius's house the phone rings.

It's Mrs Hume.

Gaius? says Mrs Hume.

Speaking, says Gaius.

I hear you are planning an expedition to Turkey, says Mrs Hume. I should like to come too.

There is a short silence, then....

Katherine? says Gaius. That's wonderful. But do tell me why.

Arthur tells me you're going to Pamukkale, says Mrs Hume. I have long wished to go there and bathe in the famous hot springs. As you know I have rheumatism, and circulatory problems.

Another short silence.

No, Katherine, says Gaius, I didn't know that. Are you aware that I intend first and foremost to visit the Gate to Hell, at Heiropolis? And that I shall be travelling on a shoestring, with a cuttlefish?

If you are trying to put me off, Gaius, you are not succeeding, says Katherine. These things intrigue me very much. Arthur will be travelling with me, as my companion. I have purchased new comfortable footwear. There is no more to discuss. When do we leave?

Tomorrow, says Gaius. Perchance you will not be ready?

I shall be ready, says Katherine, firmly.

She hangs up.

Gaius frowns.


In the kitchen, Kobo is behaving badly, being rude to the Twitcher, and calling him names.

Ageless is mystified.

Kobo, my sweet creamy dream pie, says Ageless. Let us take a walk together, to the end of the sill, and speak of the future, my future.

Your future, says Kobo. Without me.

Aha, says Ageless. You think you are dying?

Of course not, says Kobo.

Then what? says Ageless.

Nothing at all, says Kobo.

Lavender has been listening.

Ask her, says Lavender.

What? says Ageless.

Go away, Lavender, says Kobo. Stop eavesdropping.

What does Lavender mean? says Ageless. Ask her. Ask her what?

Ask Lavender, says Kobo. I'm going back to the others.

She rolls back to the other end of the window sill.

Ageless, says Lavender. Anyone can see that Kobo is JEALOUS. Ask her to come with you to Turkey.

Not on your life, says Ageless. This trip is boys only, for me as well as the Twitcher. And Lavender, you didn't hear that.

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