Sunday, March 15, 2020

Good King Wence

Terence has put Alexander-Red-Hook on the floor.

The bus driver said he had to.

He did not say: But YOU mustn't sit on the floor.

If someone doesn't say you mustn't do something, you can at least try to do  it.

When they're not looking.

The driver is looking through the bus's front window. Driving through traffic on busy South Road.

Terence slithers down to the floor.

Alexander-Red-Hook has ripped the cling wrap even further, and is half way out of her bowl.

Get back in, says Terence.

No, says Alexander-Red-Hook. I'm getting out now.

You're not allowed to, says Terence. The bus driver SAID.

He didn't, says Alexander-Red-Hook. Why does everyone think that I'm deaf?

I don't, says Terence.

Yes, you do. says Alexander-Red-Hook. But thank you for coming. What rhymes with fence?

Good-king-wence, says Terence.

That SO wouldn't fit in my poem, says Alexander-Red-Hook.

Invence, says Terence.

What does that mean? asks Alexander-Red-Hook.

When you invence something, says Terence.

Maybe I won't bother with a rhyme, says Alexander-Red-Hook. Here's a harder question.

I don't want a harder question, says Terence.

It might be easy for you, says Alexander-Red-Hook.

Okay, what is it? asks Terence.

Remember when we were on the first bus and we went past a fence covered in posters? says Alexander-Red-Hook.

No, says Terence.

Then I can't ask the question, says Alexander-Red-Hook.

I thought that was the question, says Terence.

No, says Alexander-Red-Hook. It was this. On the other side of the fence I thought I glimpsed the afterlife. The question is, if it was, why did it have a fence around it?

It's a REALLY GOOD question, says Terence.

Is it? says Alexander-Red-Hook, feeling pleased. Any thoughts on an answer?

No, Terence hasn't. Not yet.

But it won't take him long to invence one.

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