Saturday, February 18, 2023

But By Jupiter!

That sign may confuse things, says Vello.

Why? asks Terence.

A moth passes, says Vello.

Ha ha, you can't read properly, laughs Terence.

But Hedley can, says Hedley's mother. I'm surprised at you, Hedley.

He did it, says Hedley.

Belle did it, says Terence.

The N's missing, says Vello. No one did it.

Can't argue with that, says David. Give me a pen and I'll fix it.

You should leave it, says Pierre-Louis. It's has comic possibilities.

What would you know? says Vello.

My one man show is a comedy, says Pierre-Louis.

Yeah? says Sweezus. Thought so. The title's heaps funny.

You can have a free ticket, says Pierre-Louis. By the way, are you doing flyers? 

Are we? asks Vello.

Yes, says Belle. But they're not printed yet.

Would you consider a double bill? asks Pierre-Louis. My show is at the same venue.

The Piglet? asks Belle.

Yes, the Piglet, says Pierre-Louis.

The Piglet! says Hedley's mother. Is that the best you can do?

It's cheap, says Vello, and people love to sit in the open.

What if it's hot? asks Hedley's mother.

It matters not, says Vello The show must go on.

Feather cloaks and all, says David.

What about the audience? asks Hedley's mother.

We could squirt them, says Hedley.

Yes! says Terence. We'll squirt them!

My drink bottle squirts, says Hedley, demonstrating a far-reaching squirt with his drink bottle.

Sproooosh! It squirts Gaius, who has been in the background all this time, fiddling with the rope and pulley system.

Gaius doesn't even notice that he has been squirted. 

He has finally figured out how to get the thing working. Someone must stand behind the scenery and pull on the rope which has been passed through the pulley. The other end of the rope must be attached to the ready-made basket, by a hook. There has only been one hook provided. Two hooks would have been better. Perhaps he can get hold of another one. But by Jupiter, what an invention!

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