There should be plenty of slugs around here, says Roo-kai. Come with me, Little Mystic.
They head for the trees.
Turn over those leaves, says Roo-kai. There will be slugs underneath them.
Little Mystic shuffles around in the debris.
He moves a few leaves.
Several slugs are uncovered.
There you go, says Roo-kai. Buon appetito.
What? says Little Mystic.
Eat one, says Roo-kai.
Little Mystic picks up a slug with his beak.
Gulp. He swallows it.
Tasty? asks Rookai.
Not really, says Little Mystic.
Did you make a hole in it first? asks Roo-kai.
What with? asks Little Mystic.
Your beak, says Roo-kai. Watch me do it.
He pierces a slug with his beak. Sprong!
And swallows the slug.
Urm, not the best, says Roo-kai. Too earthy. But you might have liked it.
Why would I like it if you didn't? asks Little Mystic.
Being an oystercatcher, says Roo-kai, I prefer sea slugs, which are more salty.
I thought you were a parrot, says Little Mystic.
No, says Roo-kai. Are you a parrot?
No, says Little Mystic.
Terence likes to think of his bird friends as parrots, says Roo-kai. It's to do with his past.
What's in his past? asks Little Mystic.
He lived on a palace in Barcelona, says Roo-kai. He would have seen plenty of pigeons.
Are they the same as parrots? asks Little Mystic.
No, says Roo-kai. But they fancy themselves as descendents of the paraclete.
This is somewhat beyond me, says Little Mystic.
As it should be, says Roo-kai. Best forget all about it. No doubt Terence has.
This is comforting, kind of.
And Little Mystic has decided he really likes slugs.
He tries another one, but it still isn't nice, because he's forgotton to pierce it.
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