They cross the road to the food van.
What can I get you? asks Carol, the owner.
Sausage roll and a coffee , says Surfing-with-Whales.
Just a coffee, thanks, says Gaius.
Heading out are you? asks Carol.
Yeah, to Strahan, says Surfing-with-Whales.
Would the little one like a donut? asks Carol.
Yes! says Terence.
No, says Gaius. Best not.
Going to see the Spray Tunnel, on your way out? asks Carol. It's just past the golf course.
We hadn't planned to, says Gaius.
I want to! says Terence.
You don't even know what it is, says Surfing-with-Whales.
A spraying tunnel, says Terence.
It's an old railway tunnel, says Carol. You can walk through it. It leads to the old silver mine. The tunnel's dark so you need your own torch.
Yay! says Terence. Are we going?
Gaius feels a bit mean because of the donut.
Perhaps, says Gaius. We may have time, if we leave now.
Yay! says Terence.
Gaius pays for the coffees and the sausage roll.
Carol slips Surfing-with-Whales a free donut.
For the little one, she whispers.
Cool, thanks, says Surfing-with-Whales, pocketing the donut.
They head off towards the golf course.
Do we even have a torch? asks Gaius.
We've got phones, says Surfing-with-Whales.
Behind the golf course is a sign pointing to the Spray Tunnel.
They follow the sign.
There it is. The entrance to the Spray Tunnel, a keyhole-shaped tunnel fringed with green ferns, a narrow railway line disappearing into the darkness.
Who's going in with me? asks Surfing-with-Whales.
Me, says Terence.
I may as well come too, says Gaius.
Little Mystic and I will mind the bicycles, says Roo-kai. And the skateboard.
Can I go in on the skateboard? asks Terence.
Too dangerous, says Gaius.
Woo! Too dangerous to go in on a skateboard.
Terence is thrilled.
He runs ahead of Gaius and Surfing-with-Whales, into the keyhole-shaped tunnel.
And stops short.
It's dark in the tunnel.
Until your eyes get used to it.
Then, if you look up, you see glow worms.
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