Monday, June 29, 2009

Unreliable Signs

I'm still puzzling over those botanic chickens, said Pliny the Elder. Where did you say you saw them?

We didn't actually see any chickens, I replied. Botanic or otherwise. It was just the name of a chicken shop, near the Wittunga Botanic Gardens. But we did see plenty of ducks.

Even more puzzling, said Pliny, with a frown. Why didn't they call the shop Botanic Ducks?

The ducks were in the gardens, I said quickly. And the chickens were in the shop. Don't worry about it. I'll tell you what else we saw, Pliny, and this should interest you. We saw a sign that mentioned you by name.

Indeed! In what regard?

It was a sign near the ericas, explaining how the erica got its name. It said that you were the one who called it erica after the greek ereiko, meaning to break or bend, because it was used medicinally for breaking up bladder stones.

What nonsense! exclaimed Pliny. Do they think I am a Greek? I never made up names for things. I simply recorded what was known, at the time. Whoever made that sign should go back and read my works again. They will find that we ancients considered erica to be useful for afflictions of the spleen. And furthermore.....

Pliny, I said, I see that you are very knowledgable on this subject. Perhaps you would like to set the record straight by writing my blog tomorrow?

Certainly, said Pliny, looking pleased at this unexpected sign of interest.

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