Friday, June 14, 2013

Filming A Sort Of Confession

Baby Pierre is lazing in the warm health-giving water of a shallow white calcium carbonate pool with his new friends, Eugenie and Adrian, who are French children.

Eugenie picks up a handful of white clay and wipes it all over her face. Hoooh, she says, scarily.

Adrian ducks his head under the water, then shoots up to splash Baby Pierre. Whoosh!

The children's mother stands at the edge of the natural pool with her video camera, filming her children.

To this delightful and peaceful scene, Ageless rocks up.

Baby Pierre! cries Ageless. Is that you?

Ageless! cries Baby Pierre. Is that YOU?

Where is your identifying tulip, asks Ageless, if that is you?

You're bigger, and you smell funny, says Baby Pierre. I'm covered in clay. And it isn't a tulip.

Thus, the recognition scene winds to its natural conclusion.

Un homard! says Eugenie. Regarde, Adrian!

Adrian regards the homard, aka Ageless.

This is Ageless, my daddy, says Baby Pierre. Ageless this is Eugenie and Adrian. We're swimming. Come in, its warm.

Le papa de vous? says Eugenie.

Wee, says Baby Pierre.

Ageless has had enough of this nonsense.

Get out, Baby Pierre, he says.  I need your advice.

Baby Pierre leaps out of the warm white cloudy water onto the rim of the pool. Ageless needs his advice, for the first time! That is prestigious.

What is it? asks Baby Pierre.

Come over here, says Ageless. It's private.

They move away from the children, but closer to mum and her camera.

What would you think, says Ageless, of a killer?

Badly, says Baby Pierre. Although I'm a pebble, I believe it's wrong to kill, except in.....

Never mind that, says Ageless. I'm not really a killer.

What about Frog? says Baby Pierre.

That was in another carapace, says Ageless. It can hardly be thought to be me.

How new is that carapace? asks Baby Pierre. Just for the sake of asking.

Very new, says Ageless. I acquired it last week in Dubai.

So you take no responsibility, says Baby Pierre.

But this happened last week, says Ageless.

What happened? asks Baby Pierre. Is this about Twitcher? Is he dead?

That's it, says Ageless. Is he dead? Or is he still copulating madly. Could I have rescued him? I didn't try.

You're just being soft, says Baby Pierre. It's understandable.

True, says Ageless. I must harden up. Thank you Baby Pierre. I'll have a dip now.

Baby Pierre and Ageless step into the water, and join the children.

Their mother continues her filming.

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