Friday, June 14, 2013

Out Of The Box And Not Guilty

Hours and hours later, Arthur, Bunny and Nikolaos get off the bus in Pamukkale.

Bunny is carrying a box, from which complaints are emitted at regular intervals by Ageless.

Ahh! says Nikolaos. The beauteous white cliffs of Pamukkale! I have long wanted to come here.

So have I, grumbles Ageless, thumping the lid of his box. At least 48 hours. LET ME OUT!

Not yet, says Bunny. Nearly there. We have to find Gaius and Katherine. I know where they're staying.

She finds the hotel, and calls Katherine.

Katherine. It's us! Come downstairs!

Katherine hurries downstairs to the lobby.

My dears! says Katherine. How wonderful to see you! And who is... why, it's Saint Nicholas! It's two years since I saw you. Why on earth are you dressed as a fisherman?

A long story, says Nikolaos. When I learned my young companions had stolen a boat, I came along to protect them, but naturally incognito.......

Stolen a boat! says Katherine, looking sharply at Arthur.

Not really, says Bunny. Not stolen. And now the Polis have reclaimed it, so that's alright.

Katherine smiles. And what have we here in the box? she says. I suppose it's the Twitcher?

Not exactly, says Bunny.

It's ME, Ageless Lobster! cries Ageless. Let me out!

Bunny opens the box. Ageless steps out.

He is resplendent, if a little smelly, and quite a lot larger.

Where is Baby Pierre? mutters Ageless. I want his advice.

Baby Pierre is down at the calcium pools soaking in the hot springs, says Katherine. He has made some new friends. He chose not to go with Gaius to Hieropolis. So did I. It's pleasant here, and good for my feet.

How are your feet? asks Bunny.

Katherine kicks off her shoes, and shows off her much improved feet.

Arthur and Nikolaos look elsewhere.

Katherine puts her shoes on.

How lovely this is, says Katherine. Let's put your things upstairs in my room, then we'll go and find Baby Pierre. Nikolaos, you must come too. And you, Ageless, you may wait here.

They all go upstairs, except Ageless, who has no intention of waiting there.

He heads off in the direction of the calcified pools, to find Baby Pierre.

On the way, he thinks briefly of the Twitcher.

Twitcher wouldn't have liked it in Pamukkale.

He's much better off where he is.

No, no.  Ageless has no reason to feel guilty.....

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