Saturday, October 4, 2014

Heaven Determines The Outcome

Jupiter Creek.

Gaius and Kong Fu-Zi have dismounted and left their bicycles on a dirt heap near an old disused mine shaft.

Gaius stoops to sift through a pile of small stones.

A Crescent Honeyeater spots them, is transfixed for a moment, then darts away whistling. Prrip prrip.

No shrine then, says Kong Fu-Zi. Pity.

I am not religious in that sense, says Gaius. I have no time for shrines.

Nor have I, says Kong Fu-Zi. To understand Heaven is beyond our nature.

Whereas nature, says Gaius, is there to be studied.

Ah yes, says Kong Fu-Zi. Studied and also recorded.

He feels around for his bird book, in the pockets of his voluminous clothing.

Out drops the knife.


Victor, who is lurking behind a tall xanthorrhoea, sees the falling knife glisten and flash.

He pulls out his notebook, and writes, under Floating Cloud. Chinese job:

2.15 pm  Suspect ditches knife.

Gaius glances at Kong Fu-Zi's birdbook, to which he has hitherto not paid attention.

Shore Birds of Australia, says Gaius. That will not be too useful in Kuitpo.

It has room for notes in the back, says Kong Fu-Zi. I shall use it for any observations.

Observed anything yet? enquires Gaius.

Not yet, says Kong Fu-Zi.

One must keep ones eyes peeled, says Gaius. But of course, here one becomes distracted.

Ah yes, gold diggings! says Kong Fu-Zi. The ever-present possibility of discovering a nugget.

He peers down into the mine

Don't fall in, says Gaius. It's not safe there.

Kong Fu-Zi remains where he is. A gust of wind flutters his garment. He sways.

Victor, behind the xanthorrhoea, can't remain silent while his suspect falls into a mine.

Stop! cries Victor.

Victor! cries Gaius. You followed us.

Kong Fu-Zi is startled, and slips.

But Heaven, the nature of which is beyond us, won't let him fall into a mine shaft.

It will allow him to twist his ankle painfully, and in doing so, kick the knife, which falls into the mine shaft, and lands, possibly next to a nugget.

Damn, says Victor. That was evidence. But no way am I going down there.

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