Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The World Abounds With Indefinites

Ten minutes later, the ten minutes is up. Now Victor's off duty.

I'll give you both a lift in my police car, says Victor.

Kong Fu-Zi may need a lift, says Gaius. I prefer to continue to cycle.

Very kind of you, Vincent, says Kong Fu-Zi. I feel my Qi is quite out of balance. Is there room in your car for my.....for the bicycle?

Certainly, says Vincent, loading the Platonic Ideal into the back of the police car.

He helps Kong Fu-Zi into the front.

Kong Fu-Zi arranges his garment comfortably, and closes his eyes.

Meet you at Paintball Sports, says Vincent, waving to Gaius as he pulls out into Battunga Road.

Farewell, says Gaius. Until later.

He mounts his bike and starts riding. .

He is glad to be alone.

Alone, one can enjoy the surroundings without having to make conversation.

One is naturally more perceptive.

For example, what's that? A Rainbow Lorikeet?

And what's that? A Superb Blue Wren?

A Laughing Kookaburra! A New Holland Honeyeater!

And is that a Spotted Pardelote on the Stick Hop Bush?

Oops. Startled it! Gone!

He stops, intending  to jot down a few names in the back of his bird book.

He feels for a pencil.

Ah! Vincent's pencil!

He hasn't given it back.

Never mind, thinks Gaius. I'll return it later.

This sets him thinking about the nature of indefinite borrowing.

Any philosopher would be perfectly alright with the concept. Schopenhauer had no qualms at all.

Who then was the mysterious lady who complained to the police that the bicycle was missing?

How many ladies does Kong Fu-Zi know?

A Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo peers down from a branch of a Short Leaf Honey Myrtle, unspotted.

Gaius's mind is on ladies.....ladies, ladies, ladies.

The thought occurs to him, as thoughts do, that it need not be a lady known to Kong Fu-Zi.

Perhaps another species of lady entirely. The world abounds with mysterious ladies.

Pleased with his own perspicacity, he continues his journey.

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