Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Good Mood

Gustave was annoyed at having to pay for Gaius and SPLOSH'S lunch. He decided to take them to Dolores, a chintzy cafe patronised by elderly ladies, and order the pumpkin soup. He had his reasons.

Pumpkin soup all round, he said to the waitress, and brown bread toast to go with it.

The pumpkin soup arrived promptly.

SPLOSH! picked up her soup spoon.

Take care, said Gustave, split seconds too late. It'll be burning hot.

Yeeouch, said SPLOSH!, I've burnt my tongue. Why didn't you warn me?

I did, said Gustave. But you were too quick.

SPLOSH! ate the rest of her soup slowly, with long pauses.

The waitress came back.

Have you finished? she asked.

No! said SPLOSH! crossly. I'll be finished when I get to the bottom of the bowl and when there are no more of these greasy toast soldiers.

The waitress flounced off.

Idiot! hissed SPLOSH!.

Theres nothing wrong with a bit of zeal and alacrity, observed Gustave.

I say, can we order a drink? asked Gaius.

No, said Gustave. Soup is a drink. You don't need a drink with soup.

Oh, said Gaius, who would have liked a drink after his soup.

And so it was that when they arrived at the Samstag Museum, a half an hour later, the only one in a good mood was Gustave.

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