Saturday, December 10, 2011


The knitted personages seemed happy enough with their lot. Perhaps they didn't know any better..

Lavender examined her options.

She could stay in the box with these losers, or get out and have a look at Sydney. All it would take was another Leap of Faith. She decided to hook up with the children.

The children were going to a beach with their mummy and daddy and grandma and grandpa. It was their mummy's birthday tomorrow and their mummy had bought herself a boogie board. The whole family was going to Cronulla so mummy could try it out.

The sun was shining over Sydney. Lavender had made friends with the smaller of the children, whose name was Fish. She sat in the back of daddy's car next to Fish.

When are we getting there, Fish? asked Lavender.

That was not the sort of question you asked Fish.

Fish's nose was snotty, because he was getting over a cold. He looked out of the window of the car. Choo choo, said Fish.

Bless you, said Lavender.

Choo choo! said Fish, again.

Lavender sighed.

Eventually they got to Cronulla.

A black storm cloud loomed up in the sky.

Mummy got out the sandwiches. Crack! Flash! Thunder!

Fish leapt into daddy's arms.

The rain poured down in buckets.

Geez! thought Lavender. Cronulla is crap.

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