Friday, December 16, 2011

Le père éternel

Kobo liked getting postcards. But she thought this one from Lavender was offensive. She wrote back at once.

dear lavender this picasso is offensive!!! don't get mme wrong it is not the wommen running. no lavender it is the SAND!! i am a connoisseur of sand just ask ageless and sommething is very wrong with this it is not proper sand. you say you think it looks like concrete, mme i think it looks like a collapsing canvas tent. i don't know how picasso ever got fammmmous painting sand like that!!!

but oh how lovely it would be you and mmme running on the sand as long as it was proper sand i prommise you one day soon i will get mmy new eyes in but i have not been anywhere for a long timmmme lavender i mmight not even remmmemmmber how to run on anything. and we could not hold hands

now dear what was it you asked mme about sophie???

sophie goes back to the cemmmetery every summmer. now she is twenty years old and the old mman who is the guardian of the cemmetery is ten years older too. she still leaves mmystifying letters on her daddy's grave. they mmystify mme too. and she still has daddy issues. she drives her mummmmy's new husband away by very bad behavior. she doesn't have a boyfriend but she does like older mmen. the story is called le père éternel. do you think it is religious lavender or psychological???

please dear next timmmme send mme the postcard of dora mmmmaar does she have bleeding fingers that's what i want to know what is the knife gammmme and is she pretty????


your curious aunty kobo clammmm xx

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