Sunday, January 29, 2012

No Worm She Doesn't Like

Well? said Marie.

Well what? said Gaius.

The article, said Marie. May we expect it soon?

Yes, yes of course, said Gaius. It will be about ....worms.

Oh, will it? said Marie. I hope there will be a bicycle in it as well.

Nothing easier, said Gaius, confidently. I shall go out on my bicycle this afternoon and search for worms.

Very good, said Marie. Thanks, Gaius. Bye now.


Ring ring! Diddley diddley dee! His phone rang again. He pressed the answer button.

Have you forgotten something, Marie? he asked.

This isn't Marie, said Margaret. It's Margaret. Who's Marie?

Oh nobody , said Gaius, just a colleague wanting me to write something about worms...

Worms! said Margaret. What a coincidence. I am very interested in worms. I shall be able to help you.

Oh no, said Gaius. Not those sort of worms...

Not what sort of worms? asked Margaret, smelling a rat. You don't know what sort of worms I'm interested in. What sort are YOU interested in?

Suppose you tell me first, said Gaius.

No, said Margaret. You first. And anyway, she added. There is no sort of worm I am not interested in.

Nor me, said Gaius gloomily. However, some worms are difficult to locate.

That's just why you need me, said Margaret. We'll go out on our bicycles this afternoon. We'll go to Largs. There are always worms there.

At the beach? said Gaius. It's too hot.

It'll be more pleasant there, said Margaret briskly. I'll bring a picnic. You bring a jar for the worms.

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