Friday, December 2, 2016

He Avoids It

Terence stops at the tree, to kick leaves.

Hello Terence, says Baby Pierre. Guess who I am.

I know who you are, says Terence.

Exactly, says Baby Pierre. And when did you notice I was missing?

Just now, says Terence. You might as well ask me the same question.

What? says Baby Pierre.

Which one was missing? asks Terence. Me or you?

At least you were HERE, says Baby Pierre.

I wasn't, says Terence. I went on a tour. I went to the top of the island. I caught a lizard.

Good for you, says Baby Pierre. I was left behind in Barcelona. I've got a bone to pick with Daniel O'Connell. Where is he?

Coming, says Terence. He had an accident.

We know, says Baby Pierre. This is White Slits.

Hello, says White Slits. Tell me, is he capable of dancing?

Yes, says Terence. He has seven legs, four normal ones, three dicky ones and a hole with a red blob near his bottom.

A cruel description.

White Slits is not sure she wants to meet Daniel O'Connell.

But she is about to.

Kong and Gaius saunter up.

Look, says Terence. Baby Pierre's here, and this is White Slits. She wants to meet Daniel O'Connell.

Gaius peers down.

Well done, Baby Pierre! says Gaius. You've found a specimen! Where was she?

I can speak for myself, says White Slits. I found him in the garden shed. And where is this Daniel O'Connell, friend of James Joyce?

I have him, says Kong. But he is indisposed at the moment.

Put me down! cries Daniel O'Connell.

Kong puts him down on the grass beside White Slits.

She looks at him. Her eyes fill with questions.

What is it? says Daniel O'Connell.

The ineluctable modality of the visible, says White Slits.

( A trap for the unwary)

When I die, Dublin will be written in my heart, says Daniel O'Connell.

( Well done. He avoids it)

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