Monday, April 23, 2018

Dark Thoughts On Volcano Avenue

It couldn't have been a mozzie, says Simon. No mosquitoes live up this high.

Uh-huh, says Sweezus, rubbing his finger.

A thought strikes him, regarding the claw.

He looks sideways at Terence, whose claw has now been restored with fish glue.

Same hand, same finger/claw.

He looks morosely at the passing volcanoes.

It's coincidental. That's all.

Terence is grilling Saint Roley.

What was the BAD news?

Uh? says Saint Roley, who is now unencumbered by thoughts of his brother.

Ssh! hisses Tilly. His brother is dead. That was the bad news.

Yes, whispers Lydia. That much was clear in his poem, but what was the good news?

Tilly considers.

The passing volcanoes have glaciers on top.

The bus rumbles reliably. The train in the distance slows down. A cloud puffs in the clear blue sky. Puff.

Maybe the bad news was the good news, says Tilly.

In these mountains, thoughts occur like that.

They will soon be in Riobamba, sixth largest Ecuadorian city, closest to Chimborazo the highest volcano in la Avenida de las Volcanes.

Simon checks his back pack for the pool salt. And his phone, for the address of the National University of Chimborazo.

Gaius looks at his notebook. Drat. Why did he give away the page with the primary notes on the Andean marsupial tree frog? Of all pages. The Virgin of Quito would probably have been just as delighted with a doodle.

He tries to remember what the notes said:

Species confined to the Andes and inter-Andean valleys, from Imbabura south to Chimborazo. Yes. Habitat varies from montane forests to dry rocky hillsides....

He looks out at the dry rocky hillsides, visualising an unwell marsupial frog.

Arthur thinks how lame this bus trip is. How good it would have been to have dangerously ridden up on the roof of the train.

He resolves to do something reckless when they reach Riobamba.

Sweezus will no doubt join him in it.

Terence is thinking about Saint Roley's bad news which was good news.

As it relates to himself.

The bad news would be that they were too high up to find a red masked parrot because Simon said there were no mosquitoes.

But how could the good news be the same?

No, Tilly is stupid.

He'll NEVER get a parrot.....

Beep! The bus arrives at the outskirts of beautiful Riobamba.

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