Wednesday, April 4, 2018

So Much For Evolution

I'm not stupid, says Saint Roley. I took down her details.

He shows Sweezus a scrap of torn paper.

Yeah, right, says Sweezus. Did you write this?

Yes, says Saint Roley. It's shorthand. Gaius can read it.

Hope so, says Sweezus. He hands the paper to Gaius.

Gaius has been talking to Simon about reverse speciation.

He stops.

What's this?

Can you read it?

Gaius squints at the shorthand. 

0+ ^

Hmm. A female says Gaius. Travelling to the northern hemisphere. That's the gist of it

Brilliant, says Sweezus. A bird, is she?

Not necessarily says Gaius.

Come on guys, says Lydia. We're boarding.

They leave the cafe and head for the departure lounge.

They stand in a queue.


The Boeing 787 Dreamliner takes off for LA.

Everything's cool.

Terence has his own seat, and noise reducing headphones. 

He sits next to Saint Roley, who rests on an enhanced pillow, under which is a blanket.

Beside Saint Roley is Buzz, who is playing Minecraft with Tilly, who has an aisle seat.

Are you in my LIVING ROOM! says Tilly. Did you build that huge concrete THING?

It's my dungeon, says Buzz. And that's gravel.

Tilly sighs. The flight's too long already.

Lydia is sitting next to Arthur, who is openly using the scissors.

What if they see you? asks Lydia.

I'll say I've got permission, says Arthur.

Good luck with that, scoffs Lydia. Did you find the other swan eye?

Yes, says Arthur. This is it.

Lydia stares at the swan eye. The swan eye stares back without blinking.

Sweezus is sitting next to Gaius who is talking to Simon.

Sweezus learns something.

It appears reverse speciation is more common than we thought.

Two species become one. So much for Darwinian evolution. Reverse speciation has been observed in ravens, mosquitoes, butterflies, sunflowers, oaks, bears, wolves and Darwin's finches.

Those guys would know something like that.

Boring. Why isn't he sitting next to Arthur?

What to do. He stares out of the window.

And imagines mosquitoes and butterflies, and a few Darwin's finches, threading the clouds. 

Free to move about the aircraft, a woman walks up and down the aisles.

She is searching for the makers of that divinely packaged Prognosticating Sea Salt.

At last she sees the head of Saint Roley, which is unlike the heads of other passengers.

She leans across Buzz and taps Saint Roley.

Hello, little messenger!


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