Thursday, May 16, 2019

A Degree Of Rigidity

Right, says Gaius. Shall we proceed?

I'm ready, says Elodie.

I haven't washed the baked bean tin, says Shu. Won't we need it?

We can do without it, says Gaius. We'll take the rolled wafer tin instead.

The rolled wafer tin contains remnants of the smoked salmon from Pemberton, they now remember.

If we finish off these date balls, says Elodie, we could transfer the smoked salmon to the empty packet. Alternatively we could take the empty packet with us. What is it for?

My notes and a pencil, says Gaius. And the maratus cristatus, for comparison with any other marati we may happen to find in the sand dunes.

Do I get a say in this? asks the maratus cristatus.

Of course! says Gaius. Excuse me. What have I been thinking?

Not about me, says the maratus. But you are now. It seems to me that I have little choice about coming.

You do, says Gaius You can choose to remain.

I'll come, says the maratus. I like to travel. And Lavender predicted that my future holds eggs and vanilla.

Oops, says Elodie. I know what she referred to. This tin.

I'll travel in the tin then, says the maratus. With the pencil.

Unfortunately it smells of salmon, more than eggs and vanilla, says Elodie.

There is always the baked bean can, says Shu.

What does that smell of? asks the maratus.

Beans, says Shu.

If only Arthur and Sprocket would return with the ordinary water, we could wash all the containers, says Elodie. But they're not back yet. So your choices are:
a. A tin, smelling of salmon, and possible whiffs of egg and vanilla.
b. A baked bean can, lined with baked bean slime.
c. An empty date ball packet, which will smell of date balls and coconut, but may be subject to crushing.

The maratus considers.

I choose the date ball packet, says he.

Risky choice, says Gaius. But I respect it. May I hear your reasoning?

There will be a pencil, says the maratus. It will give the date ball packet a degree of rigidity.

Bravo, says Gaius. You are a fine thinker.

The maratus climbs into the empty date ball packet.

Gaius rummages in his back pack for a pencil.

Shu hopes he will find one, otherwise there may be a sad ending.

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