Friday, May 3, 2019

Wait In White Water

Maybe we should stick together, says First Dirty.

We are sticking together, says Lavender.

They are making their way to the edge of Lake Jasper.

The ground becomes soft.

I meant all of us, says First Dirty.

No, says Lavender. Then Baby Pierre would think he was the leader.

Maybe he should be the leader, says First Dirty.

No way, says Lavender. He's always the leader. He's got a big head.

We all have, says First Dirty. But he's got the biggest, and he's got that tulip.

Ha ha, laughs Lavender. It isn't a tulip. It's a boring old claw.

The ground is getting even more squelchy.

No time to be thinking of claws.

A boy sploshes past them, leaving deep watery footprints.

Watch out, says Lavender.

I don't care, says the boy. This is the worst holiday ever.

I meant watch out for US, says Lavender. We're on an important mission.

The boy looks down, to see who is talking.

Here we are, says Lavender. Have you seen any colourful spiders?

NO! says the boy.

He is more angry than you would expect, at being asked an innocuous question.

Okay, says Lavender. We'll just keep looking.

Look in there! says the boy, picking up First Dirty, and skimming him into Lake Jasper.


What was that for? asks Lavender.

Just because, says the boy. It's only a pebble.

He was my runner, says Lavender. Now it's just me. If I see a spider I'll have to go back and report it and it might get away.

Sorry, says the boy. I saw where your runner landed. Want me to wade in and get him?

Yes, says Lavender. Don't worry, you won't drown. I know the future.

Wait, says the boy. Did you know I was going to throw your runner into Lake Jasper?

Of course not, says Lavender.

Unreliable, thinks the boy.

Wait here, he says. I'll go and get dad's canoe to go out in.

Lavender has to wait there, at the edge of Lake Jasper, while the boy goes to fetch dad's canoe.

Poor First Dirty. He has to wait too.

And he doesn't know dad's canoe is coming.

He lies supine on the floor of Lake Jasper.

One good thing. It's a white water lake, due to a lack of tannic acid, and there is good light dispersion.

This means he is easily visible, and that he can see fish.

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