Saturday, May 8, 2021

No Cucumber

First time in New Zealand? asks Arun. 

Yes, says Arthur.

Where are you headed? asks Arun.

Te Hauturu-o-Toi, says Arthur.

Where's THAT? asks Arun.

Some little island, out east, says Arthur. 

It's also called Little Barrier, croaks a voice from inside Katherine's long johns.

Yikes! says Arun. Talking lobsters!

That's a relief, says Arthur.

These long johns are exceptional, says Baudin. Kept us from freezing.

Arun recovers from his surprise.

Little Barrier, I know it. Don't you need a permit?

I guess so, says Arthur.

Arun gets out his phone. 

Yeah, you need a permit and a biosecurity check and an approved charter boat to get you there. 

Right, says Arthur. Thanks for the info. 

Are you taking the lobsters? asks Arun.

One of them, says Arthur.

Sounds like they're pretty strict, says Arun. Look at these rules.

Arthur looks at the long list of dos and don'ts for permit holders.

Wash clothes in hot water and sterigene beforehand, dry inside, store in clean plastic bags, no cucumbers, no rubbish, make sure at least one of the party can row......

And so on...... he'll read the rest later.

He leaves the excess food room with Baudin and Dufresne still wrapped in the long johns.

Enjoy your stay, says Arun.

Thanks, says Arthur.

What did you mean, ONE of them? says Dufresne.

Are you coming? asks Arthur.

I know New Zealand better than anyone, says Dufresne. I'll be useful.

I thought you got eaten by Maoris, says Arthur.

Not immediately, says Dufresne.

Gaius, David and Katherine are waiting in the taxi queue, when Arthur arrives.

How are they? asks Gaius.

Back to normal, says Arthur. 

I knew it, says Katherine. They can stay wrapped in my long johns until we reach our hotel. Then I'll wash them.

You can wash my socks too, says David.

Wash your own socks, says Katherine.

You need to wash everything, says Dufresne. It's in the rule book.

Yes, everything has to be sterile, says  Arthur. 

Naturally, says Gaius. 

And no cucumber, says Baudin. 

Ha ha, laughs David.

True, says Arthur. No cucumber. And one of has to be able to row.

I assume you'll row, Arthur, says Gaius. I can, but I do have some issues.

Sure, says Arthur. How hard can it be?

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