Saturday, December 2, 2023

Easing Soft Parts Through Cracks

The Tzeet flies back to the quoll, who is waiting at the edge of the lagoon.

Game over, says the Tzeet. The lobster is moulting.

How long will that take? asks the quoll.

Beats me, says the Tzeet. I know little about lobsters.

Goodbye reward, says the quoll.

But it wasn't the lobster who was offering it, says the Tzeet. Someone else was.

O yes! says the quoll. We need to find out who it was.

Any ideas? asks the Tzeet.

Your brother's partner knew something, says the quoll.

Where did you meet her? asks the Tzeet.

Back there, says the quoll, pointing.

Let's go, says the Tzeet.

What about the canoe? asks the quoll. We can't leave it floating.

Yes, we can, says the Tzeet. 

They head off in the direction that the quoll has just pointed.

rustle rustle crack! shh!

A sound! (as of three aunties walking through the bush, softly) 

The quoll shoots up a tree. The Tzeet is there already.

Auntie Doreen: You girls see what I see?

Auntie Leena: Told you we couldn't trust that lobster.

Auntie Flora: I see the canoe, but no lobster.

Auntie Doreen: You still got that string?

Auntie Leena: Yep! 

Auntie Doreen: Everyone look for a stone.

Auntie Flora: How about this one?

Auntie Doreen: Good. Now tie the string round it and chuck it into the canoe. Then we'll be able to drag it back to its proper position.

Auntie Leena: Ready. Here goes! Aw! Missed it.

Auntie Doreen: Pull it back. Have another go! 

Auntie Leena: Okay!

Auntie Flora: Good one, Leena!

The aunties begin dragging the canoe to the shore.

The quoll and the Tzeet, seeing the aunties are occupied, continue their journey.

This is all good so far.

Except, under the water, Captain Du Fresne, in the process of easing his soft parts out through the cracks in his carapace, has been struck by an unexpected stone, attached to a string. 


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