Thursday, December 21, 2023

Red Bow

Sweezus is outside, tying a red bow to his screen door.

Gaius gets off his bike.

He lifts Terence down.

Terence runs towards Sweezus.

Guess what!

What, little buddy? asks Sweezus.

I'm staying with you, says Terence.

Only if it's convenient, says Gaius. 

How long? asks Sweezus.

Forever! says Terence.

Sweezus laughs. It won't be forever.

I've got a small job for you, says Gaius. Could you edit this video a friend in Tasmania has sent me?

It's a movie, says Terence. There's a quoll in it who looks sneaky.

Cool! says Sweezus.

Quoll, says Terence. You have to make him look friendly.

Might be hard to do that, says Sweezus, untying the red bow.

Re-thinking the bow? asks Gaius. 

Belle gave it to me, says Sweezus. 

There's always the back door, says Gaius. Less ostentatious.

Yeah right, says Sweezus. But my guests are coming in the front door.

A party? says Gaius. That's nice.

Wanna come? asks Sweezus, retying the bow lower down.

It has bells on. They jingle.

Yay! says Terence. Will I get a present from everyone?

They won't know you're coming, says Sweezus. So anyway, come in and show me the video.

They all go inside. Sweezus watches the video.

He frowns.

What's the matter? asks Gaius. 

Is this like, a nature video? asks Sweezus.

A renactment, says Gaius. A reward for the quoll.

What did he do? asks Sweezus. 

He found the missing Tzeet brother, says Terence. He's a hero. That's why he needs a good face.

And while we're on the subject, says Gaius, one female parrot needs her back view edited out.

Yeah, says Sweezus. I can guess which one. No worries.

And a front view added, if possible, says Gaius. 

Might be difficult, says Sweezus.

Don't go to too much trouble, says Gaius. You've got your party. Will Vello be coming?

Yep, says Sweezus. You coming?

I'll drop by, says Gaius. Should I bring anything? Spring water? Apples?

Whatever, says Sweezus. 

I'll be off then, says Gaius. I haven't been home yet. Must look at my garden.

See ya later, says Sweezus. 

What can I do? asks Terence.

Put up some decorations, says Sweezus. There's a box in the cupboard. I'll take another look at this video.

Terence opens a cupboard.

Woo! Hundreds of socks tumble out.

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