Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Fuffles And Hoots

What did he say? asks Terence.

WTF, says Surfing-with-Whales.

What does that mean? asks Terence.

He was probably amazed, says Surfing-with-Whales.

Or like me, he was surprised you allowed Terence to enter the water, says Gaius.

It was relatively safe, says Philosopher Smith. We were there.

Yeah, says Surfing-with-Whales. Maybe the photo makes it look worse than it is.

He takes another look at the photo.

Terence is knee deep in creek water. Beside him, a platypus, grinning.

The water looks bubbly, but there is no sign of the poisonous spur.

Nah, says Surfing-with-Whales. He just wrote WTF because he was too lazy to write Amazeballs!

I knew he'd like it, says Terence.

More cheese, James? asks Gaius.

Philosopher Smith takes more cheese.

Gaius opens a bottle of water.

It is growing dark at the Waratah campsite. 

Other campers have returned to their tents.

I should be going, says Philosopher Smith. Who wants to join me?

Me! says Terence.

We'll all go, says Gaius. There's safety in numbers.

They follow Philosopher Smith to the start of the trail.

It's an easy trail in the daytime.

But at night not so much.

The trees grope with their hairy branches.

There are slippery fungi to avoid.

Rustlings in the undergrowth. 

Fuffles. Hoot-hoots.

Metal steps with wooden railings leading up into blackness.

Who'd like to go first? asks Philosopher Smith. You, Terence?

Not Terence, says Gaius. Terence will follow Surfing-with-Whales, and I'll go behind him.

Like a baby, says Terence.

Better safe than sorry, says Gaius.

They ascend the dark ladder to the viewing point.

There it is, says Philosopher Smith. Impressive isn't it?

The waterfall tumbles over rocks and down to the deep depths of nowhere.

White foam illuminating the way.

Terence leans over the railing.

He sees a fallen dead tree, poised near the top of the waterfall.

Makes you think, doesn't it, says Philosopher Smith.

Think what? asks Terence.

Perhaps not you, says Philosopher Smith.

I'm thinking, says Terence.

Me too, says Surfing-with-Whales. That dead tree looks like it's been there for ever.

So it does, says Gaius. One might think the waterfall would have dislodged it by now.

Waterfalls have their own logistics, says Philosopher Smith. Both rapid and slow.

At the same time, says Gaius.

Yeah, cool, says Surfing-with-Whales.

Amazeballs, says Terence.

To prove he had been thinking, after all.

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