They walk back to the campsite together.
Gaius has cut up the cheese and set out a few apples, in a pleasing formation.
We've got a guest, says Surfing-with-Whales.
Guests are always welcome, says Gaius.
Not poisonous ones, says Terence.
Even poisonous ones are welcome, says Gaius.
A fellow philosopher, I see, says James Philosopher Smith.
A natural historian, says Gaius. Gaius Plinius Secundus.
James Philosopher Smith, says the Philosopher.
Pleased to meet you, says Gaius. I trust you like cheese.
I do, says James Philosopher Smith. And I'm fond of apples.
He takes one.
Sit down, says Gaius. Make yourself comfy.
Guess what? says Terence.
You spotted a platypus? says Gaius.
He did, says Surfing-with-Whales.
He shows Gaius the photo.
Gaius is not quite as pleased as Terence might have expected.
You went into the water! says Gaius.
I was careful, says Terence. And we made friends.
He was careful, says Surfing-with-Whales.
Can you send the photo to Sweezus? asks Terence.
Yeah, why not, says Surfing-with-Whales.
He sends the photo of Terence and the platypus to Sweezus.
Do you live hereabouts, James? asks Gaius, munching his first slice of cheese.
Since 1871, says Philosopher Smith. When I discovered tin in the area, at Mount Bischoff.
Ha ha! laughs Terence. Mount Bischoff!
Was there much of it? asks Gaius.
A great deal, says Philosopher Smith. It became the biggest tin mine in the southern hemisphere, but I'd sold my shares before that.
I see why you became a philosopher, says Gaius.
Yeah, says Surfing-with-Whales. You must've missed out on a fortune.
Philosopher Smith takes a last bite of his apple, and reaches for cheese.
He nods philosophically.
We're going up to look at the falls after this, says Surfing-with-Whales.
In the dark? asks Gaius.
Yay! says Terence.
It won't be dark for ages, says Surfing-with-Whales.
His phone dings with a message from Sweezus.
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