Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Natural History News

What has happened to the newspapers? asked Pliny the Elder, this morning. I haven't seen one for the last two days.

Oh didn't I tell you? I replied. We've decided to do without them and see how we go.

What! exclaimed Pliny. What about the Sudoku ? What about the crossword? What about the latest developments in natural history?

Aren't you going to ask, What about the news? I said.

No, said Pliny. I get my news online these days, like everybody else.

You can probably get natural history news online as well, Pliny. Why don't we have a look.

We googled Natural History News, and found the BBC website.

Look! said Pliny. David Attenborough's favourite moments!

Oh please! I said. That will not be very cutting edge, you know.

I suppose not, agreed Pliny. What about this? A quiz! The Web Behaviour Test. What Web Animal are You?

They say it takes twenty minutes, I said doubtfully.

Never mind! I want to know what sort of Web Animal I am. And see! It will help them in their research.

Go on then. Do it.

Alright, I will. Oh! It seems I have to register.

Of course you do.

So Pliny registered, and then began the test.

Great Jupiter! he said there are eighteen parts to this! I'll make myself a cup of tea before I start.

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